My Fall Bucket List!
Hey guys, Kai here! What's up? I usually make a bucket list only for summer, but I decided to do something different and make one for fall. Here is my fall bucket list...
Jump in leaf piles
'Cause why not? If you've never done this, then you have not yet lived
Visit the pumpkin patch
Pumpkin Picking is essential along with...
Apple picking
...also key.
Go on a nature walk
Who doesn't think changing leaves are beautiful?
Go through a maze
Corn maze anyone?
Sit by the fire
When it gets cold, the fire will keep you warm
Bake cookies
They're cookies.... come on.
Have hot cocoa
Chocolate and warm milk; I'm there.
Make chocolate/ candy apples
What else can you do with all those apples?
Carve/ Paint pumpkins
Also essential for fall.
Rake leaves
.... And this is how you get that pile of leaves you end up jumping in.
Candy please.
This sets the mood... even if it is still 90 degrees outside.
There's nothing to say about this.
Go on a hayride
Take a hayride to go pumpkin picking.
Have s'mores
Using the fire you just decided to make.
Bake pies
Apple, cranberry, punpkin...
Roast pumpkin seeds
No part of the pumpking will go to waste.
Drink Apple Cider
Have a photo shoot
Also, 'cause por que, no?
Stay Warm
... also using that fire.
Count our blessings
Just do it.