How to Remove Semi-Permanent Hair Dye from your Hair!

Hello! I'm Char and this is my FIRST ever blog post. Considering I've dyed my hair every color under the sun, I know a bit about it. And once you get sick of one color, it comes the time to change it. But if there is still dye left in your hair, you need to strip it out. Before heading straight for the damaging bleach, here's a healthier version to get semi-permanent hair dyes out of your hair!
(FYI: This was inspired by the lovely Camille Johnson and other great YouTubers. Link provided.)
What you'll need:
-A bowl
-Vitamin C tablets or powder (sold at any grocery/drug store)
-Shampoo; preferably dandruff shampoo, considering it's stronger and better at stripping the hair.)
-Mixing tool
NOTE: For extra lift, you could use dish soap instead of shampoo. Please know it is very drying and you'll NEED to deep conditioner afterwards.
Let's get started!
Step 1) Crush up the vitamin c tablets and mix them with the shampoo. If you purchased the powder or crystals, you can obviously skip the step of crushing it. When doing the measurements, just eyeball the amount you need depending on how much hair you have. I use about 15 1000mg tablets for my shoulder-length thick hair. Then, put the shampoo in equal parts the vitmain c. Again just eyeball it. Now, thoroughly mix the two ingredients together to form a thick paste.
Step 2) Apply mixture to the hair. You don't need gloves or anything, this isn't damaging to your skin or hands at all. Just abit drying. Slather it on with your hands or a tinting brush. Make sure to really coat all of your hair and massage it really well into each hair strand.
Step 3) Cover your hair with a towel, plastic wrap, a shower cap, or whatever you can find to keep your hair locked in tight. Wait anywhere from 30 minuts to an hour for the product to process. The longer you keep it in, the more dye will be stripped out. So if you only want a tinge of dye to come out, leave it in for 15 minutes. If you want a lot, 2 hours. It's not damaging, so leaving on for however long you want isn't an issue. But from personal experience I'd say 45 minutes is just abour right.
Step 4) Rinse out your hair with shampoo and conditoner. Make sure to get all the treatment out. You can do it as many times as you wish, once again there are no harsh chemicals that will damage your hair, so you can do it just once if you'd like. You can do it as much as 15 times, just please conditon your hair t prevent it from breaking off from dryness. Anything that works for you before picking up a dangerous bottle of hair bleach.
There ya have it! If you have any questions or comments, leave them here or email us! Thanks for reading my first EVER blog, and I hope you enjoyed!